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Divecha, C. A., Tullu, M. S., & Karande, S. (2023). Utilizing tables, figures, charts and graphs to enhance the readability of a research paper. Journal of postgraduate medicine.,also%20engage%20and%20sustain%20the%20reader’s%20interest.&text=They%20can%20achieve%20a%20high%20educational%20impact,relationships%20among%20concepts%20and%20sequence%20of%20events.
Emberly, T. (2023). Align assessments, objectives, instructional strategies - eberly center - carnegie Mellon University. Carnegie Mellon University.,learning%20objectives%20I%20have%20identified?
Modi, P., LeBourdais, Dr. G. P., V., M., & Ratnesh, A. and. (2024, February 7). What are the benefits and challenges of using portfolios as a form of student voice and choice in assessment?. How Portfolios Enhance Student Voice and Choice in Assessment.,of%20their%20own%20learning%20journey.
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